[su_lead align=”1″]The following is a list of presentations delivered at FCIE events, organized by topic.[/su_lead]
- Assessing Global Perspectives of Community College Students, Timothy Wilson (September, 2012)
- Evaluation of the UF Study Abroad Program, Dr. David Sammons, Dena Roberts, James Demery, University of Florida (October, 2011)
- Assessing Global Learning: Principles, Design, and Implementation, Dr. Darla Deardorff (September, 2014)
Florida Colleges/Universities:
- Broward College International Education Programming Model, Dr. David Moore (September, 2012)
- Exploring Florida School Linkages – Cast Study with the University of Haifa, Dr. Catherine Meschievitz (September, 2012)
- The Florida College System_Managing Change, Dr. Judith Bilsky, The Florida College System (October, 2011)
- Building an International Studies Certificate: The Santa Fe College Experience, Vilma Fuentes & Paloma Rodriguez (September, 2014)
- USMEXFUSION & CCID Working Toward Comprehensive Internationalization at the Universidad Tecnologica de Leon, Carlos Silverio Huerta Jimenez, Jennifer L. Granger de Huerta, Donald R. Matthews, Ph.D., Shawn Woodin, Ed.D., Dr. Jesus Maria Contreras Esparza (September, 2014)
- Strategic Internationalization and Students’ Global Awareness at Polk State College: Handout #1, Handout #2, Shawn Woodin, Naomi Boyer & Kim Simpson (September, 2014)
- Comprehensive Internationalization at Saint Leo University, David Felsen & Marcela van Olphen (September, 2014)
- Arm Chair Recruitment, A Community College’s Experience, Regina Carvalho (October, 2015)
- STEM Global Learning Community, Ellafe Cockroft (October, 2015)
International Student Services:
- Collaborative Internationalization: Study Florida and Commercial Service (September, 2016)
- Establishing Your Institution’s Optimal IELTS Requirements to Support Student Success, Kate McKeen & Regina Carvalho (October, 2017)
- Academic and Cultural Success Strategies for International Students, Althia Ellis, Andrea Apa, & Victoria Noorzai (October, 2017)
Global Partnership:
- Educators Without Borders: Creating Global Partnerships Using the American Higher Education Model, David Moore (September, 2016)
- Creating Industry Synergy: Guiding the Global Focus through Local Advisory Board Governance, Naomi Boyer, Kim Simpson & Herb Nold (September, 2016)
- Diversifying International Opportunities Through Non-Traditional Partnerships, Luis Quijano, Shawn Patton, John Brady, Dr. Donnie May, & Felipe Pieras (October, 2017)
- Developing a Novel Global Healthcare Partnership through Service-Driven Study Abroad Experiences, Dr. Sara Lynn Terrell & Dr. Teresa Lyle (October, 2017)
Internationalizing the Curriculum/Campus:
- Applying for, and Attending, a Fulbright Seminar for International Education Administrators, Dr. Edith Pendleton (September, 2012)
- Around The World In 30 Minutes: Using Skype to Engage Students in Cross-Cultural Exchanges, Dr. Namia Cherie Brown (October, 2011)
- BaFa BaFa – A Lively, Interactive, Must Have Cross-Cultural Experience, Suzette Dohany (September, 2012)
- Campus Internationalization Strategies, Joseph Jones (October, 2011)
- Classrooms without Borders – Internationalizing the Curriculum, Dr. Carl Jubran (September, 2012)
- Creating Articulation Agreements with Overseas Instituations, Dr. Karen Borglum (September, 2012)
- Engaging Students through Discipline-Specific Approaches to Internationalization, Dr. Carl Jubran (September, 2012)
- Internationalizing the Curriculum for Study Abroad_Event Management in Denmark, Lee McCain and Lana Powell (October, 2011)
- Taxis, Tango, and Tradition in Argentina, Karen Cowden (September, 2012)
- Exploring the 21st Century Imperative of Intercultural Competence, Dr. Darla Deardorff- Keynote Speaker (September, 2014)
- International Recruitment Agents: What are Agents and How to Select the Best for your Institution, John Dugue (September, 2014)
- Diversifying Our Humanities Curriculum Through Faculty Travel, Marlene Temes, Adriene Tribble, & Valerie Woldman (September, 2014)
- Promoting Global Engagement on the College Campus for Little or No Money: Handout #1, Handout #2, Beth King & Chris Klinger (September, 2014)
- Educators Without Borders: Creating Global Partnerships Based on an American Higher Education Model, David Moore (September, 2014)
- Connecting International and American Students on Campus, Dr. Darla Deardorff (September, 2014)
- Best Practices in Implementing A Recruitment Plan to Increase International Student Enrollment, Regina Carvalho (September, 2014)
- Linkage Institute Program Roundtable: Securing International Students In-State Tuition, Ramona Kirsch (September, 2014)
- A Funding Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Karen Fowler (September, 2014)
- Collaborating with Brazil, A Case Study in Internationalization, David Felsen (October, 2015)
- The Role of Intensive English Programs in Campus Internationalization, Lynne Clark & Nate Bloemke (October, 2015)
- Initiating an International Campus, Karen Davis & John Whitlock (October, 2015)
- Cross-Campus Collaboration, Teamwork to Assist International Students & Global Exchange, Debra Anderson & Thomas Germain (October, 2015)
- Engaging Students & Faculty in an International Project, Carol Thomas & Richard Tovar (October, 2015)
- Creating Actual Spaces for Global Engagement, Uttam Gaulee (October, 2015)
- Global Recognition: Creating Global Citizens for Tomorrow’s Workforce, Karen Borglum & Vilma Fuentes (October, 2015)
- Teaching to the Practicum: Training International Practitioners, Lyrissa Lidsky, Thomas Ankersen, & Glenn Galloway (October, 2015)
- Eportfolios: Creating Intentional Pathways Towards Global Learning, Paloma Rodriguez & Audrey Holt (October, 2015)
- Peace Corps University Partnerships- Internationalizing your Campus & Curriculum, La’Teashia Sykes & Chad Chernet (October, 2015)
- Around the WORLD in 80 Minutes, Roxanne Lewis & Kristyn Stetson (September, 2016)
- Global Learning Distinction Programs: Helping Global Citizens Stand Out, Hilary Landorf & Eric Feldman (September, 2016)
- Institutional Response to Real and Perceived Threats in Today’s World, Ben Chamberlain, Laura Boudon, & Andres Galizia (October, 2017)
- Global Learning in the Classroom via Internationalization of Course Curricula, Eugenio Zaldivar & Ann Thebaut (October, 2017)
- Empower Your Students and Internationalize your Classes Through the Open-Access STEMP Teaching Method, Carlos Silverio Huerta Jimenez (October, 2017)
- Engaging Fully Online Students in Global Learning, Hilary Landorf & Eric Feldman (October, 2017)
- Global Education for Social Justice A Psycholinguistic Approach, Noumane Rahouti (October, 2017)
Internationalizing as a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
- The University of Florida:
- The Three C’s of a Successfull QEP, Dr. Stephanie Doscher (September, 2012)
- UF Quality Enhancement Plan Overview, Dr. David Sammons (October, 2011)
- UF Quality Enhancement Plan, Dr. David Miller (October, 2011)
- UF QEP and SACS Reaccreditation Review, Dr. David Sammons (October, 2011)
- UF Quality Enhancement Plan Update, Dr. David Miller (September, 2012)
Study Abroad Programming:
- Affordances of Online Learning in the Context of Education Abroad, Julie Ficarra (September, 2012)
- Best Practices in Study Abroad Alumni Programming, Kirsten Laufer (October, 2011)
- Developing Faculty-Led Programming Abroad, Dr. Susanne Hill (September, 2012)
- How to Develop a Program Activity Book for Study Abroad, Professor Richard Gair (September, 2012)
- Nursing and Spanish Immersion in Costa Rica, Dr. Maria Seidel (September, 2012)
- Portuguese in Brazil, Carlos Robles (October, 2011)
- Risk Management for Graduate Students Abroad, Allison Nyamuame (October, 2011)
- Service Learning in the Dominican Republic, Christie Pickeral (October, 2011)
- Using Financial Aid for Study Abroad, Ric Colon (September, 2012)
- Using Technology to Influence Learning and Support Study Abroad, Jerry Hensel (September, 2012)
- International Student Scholarships as a Recruiting Tool, Rachel Errington & Jennifer Frankel (September, 2014)
- Health Science Professionals and Study Abroad, Linda Washington & Claudia Sahagun (September, 2014)
- Faculty Development for Study Abroad Program Leaders, Rachel Braaten & Kevin Konecny (September, 2014)
- Viewing Study Abroad and Institutional Agreements through the Lens of Developing Countries, AnneLiese Busch (October, 2015)
- Student Perceptions of Study Abroad, Caroline Cully & Jessica Childers (October, 2015)
- A Hands-On Approach to Study Abroad, Administrators & Faculty as One Team, Laura Boilini & Krista Ubbels (October, 2015)
- Berlin Study Abroad, How an Immersion Experience Continues to Grow, John Freeman (October, 2015)
- Volcanoes, Landslides, Insects & Fun with the Sun, Considerations in Tropical Travel Programs, James Wallis (October, 2015)
- Collaboration Using Study Abroad & Teletandem Experiences, Michelle Freas & Steve Kalishman (October, 2015)
- Fundraising to Support Study Abroad, Heith Hennel (October, 2015)
- Study Abroad Ambassador Programs, Chris Haynes (October, 2015)
- International Service Learning in Spain, Sarah Melanson, Cristal Badillo & Cristyne Ramirez (September, 2016)
- Best Practices in Study Abroad for Community Colleges & Under-Resourced Students, Liz Vocasek (September, 2016)
- Campus Responses to Terrorism and Turmoil (September, 2016)
- The Impact of Study Abroad on Students: A 12 Year Berlin Case Study, John Freeman (September, 2016)
- North American Language & Culture Assistants in Spain, Felipe Neri Pieras-Guasp (September, 2016)
- International Travel Duty of Care: Travel in a Changing World, Andres Galizia, Preston Drane & Susy Gomez (October, 2017)
- Cultivating Student Success Post Study Abroad, Kelsie Stanley (October, 2017)
- Supporting Students Before, During and After Study Abroad, Christopher Ahearn, Rita Tybor & Barbara Prucha (October, 2017)
- A New Generation of Study Abroad Increase Study Abroad and Service Learning Participation While Customizing In-Depth, Affordable and Safe Programs, Christian Alyea & Leonardo Gubinelli (October, 2017)