Poster Proposal Submission Deadline: N/A
There will be no student poster during this year’s Virtual Conference.
To the right, you will find examples of posters created for past conferences. Please review the information below to determine what you would like to present on and which theme your topic best falls under. Once you have decided on a topic, please fill out the form below to be considered for selection.
Proposal Session Themes:
- Study Abroad– Posters under this theme can focus on your study abroad experience. Please include pictures as well as text describing what you have learned through your study abroad experience about the country you have traveled to and what you enjoyed most about your program.
- Culture– Posters under this theme should describe a specific culture and what you have learned about this culture through your research, personal experience, and/or your study abroad experience. These posters should include pictures as well as information related to your topic based on research.
- International Research– Posters under this theme should include research conducted in a specific area of international education or international research. Research may be conducted under the direction of a professor or professional; however, the poster must be created independently by the student.
- Posters should be on a Tri-fold board as they will be placed on a table during the presentation session. If chosen, you must register for the conference which will take place in ——. Student registration is complimentary. You are responsible for your own poster materials, transportation, and hotel accommodations. More information on the conference can be found under the events tab. Selected individuals will be notified in ——-.