The State of Higher Education Partnerships in China – Challenges, Concerns, Opportunities

Great Wall of China
Event Details
  • Start Date
    May 17, 2023
  • Location

Sino-American relations have been described as the most important geopolitical and economic dynamic in the world. For the past 40 years China has been our number one trading partner and our greatest rival and competitor. With its vast population of 1.4 billion people, China’s economy has grown dramatically bringing hundreds of millions of people into the middle class. As the relationship between China and Russia has warmed, the relationship with the U.S. has cooled dramatically. The Biden Administration has not been able to restore relations to the "pre-Trump" era where the two super-powers had a steady though precarious relationship based on mutual interests.

According to the Open Doors Report, more than 300,000 students pursue degrees in the US, which is the largest number of students from one country studying in any other country. What has driven this growth? What are the consequences and benefits to U.S. higher education for having so many students from one country driving recruitment and foreign student enrollments? What will be the impact on our higher education system if relations between the U.S. and China deteriorate further? How can institutions address and respond strategically to potential disruptions in enrollments? This session will raise and address these questions in an open and interactive discussion.

Event Details
  • Start Date
    May 17, 2023
  • Location