Spring 2022 Workshops have Concluded
- Wednesday, January 19 @ 4pm
Topic: Returning to International Programming
Description: As we begin a new semester and plan for summer programs, this workshop will be a conversation about how we as institutions are returning to international education programming. We will discuss both in-person and virtual programming, as well as important considerations as we prepare for these programs. Some topics will include:
· Returning to in-person study abroad – when and how
· Virtual programming and other alternatives to in-person education abroad
· Risk management strategies
Dr. Susy Gómez (Associate Director, Education Abroad, Florida International University)
Jessica Surana (International Education Coordinator at Santa Fe College)
- Wednesday, February 23 @ 4pm
Topic: Rebuilding International Student Enrollment
Description: What is the future of international student recruitment and retention and what will it look like? What tools do you have to leverage your international student recruitment efforts virtually? As many offices start thinking of returning to travel abroad, what are some factors that you will have to consider? Join us for this interactive session as colleagues from the Florida College and University systems describe the work they are undertaking to rebuild and support existing recruitment and retention initiatives.
Dr. AnneLiese Busch (Associate Dean of International Program, University of Tampa)
Mia Cancarevic (International Student Recruitment, Valencia College)
- Wednesday, March 30 @ 3pm
Topic: Resuming Study Abroad
Description: Efforts to resume student mobility are underway at institutions across the state of Florida. Pathways to resuming study abroad are largely being determined by institutional culture and risk tolerance capacity. This session will discuss efforts to resume international student mobility with evolving challenges wrought by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Two different approaches to this restart will be explored. The University of Central Florida has taken a more open approach and returned to offering study abroad programming in Fall 2021. Since that time, UCF students have participated in exchange, faculty-led, partner, and international internship programs. Valencia College has taken a more reserved approach and continues to make preparations for a return to travel in the near future.
Session topics will include:
- The spectrum of institutional risk tolerance and its impact on resuming travel
- Changes to policies and protocols
- Evolving Health and Safety practices
- Lessons learned from program cancelations and initial cohorts abroad
Oliver McSurley (Associate Director of UCF Abroad, University of Central Florida)
Lindi Kourtellis (Manager, Study Abroad and Global Experiences (SAGE), Valencia College)
- Wednesday, April 20 @ 4pm
Topic: Teaching Less Commonly Taught Languages
Description: Florida is fortunate to have four Title VI National Language Resource Centers funded the U.S. Department of Education. Florida International University hosts the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center. The University of Florida hosts the Center for African Studies, Center for European Studies, and Center for Latin American Studies. We invite you to join this presentation to learn more about the less commonly taught languages offered by these centers and the innovative ways they encourage foreign language acquisition.
Dr. Amie Kreppel (Director, Center for European Studies, University of Florida)
Dr. Kole Odutola (Professor, Center for African Studies, University of Florida)
Liesl B. Picard (Associate Director, Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University
- Wednesday, May 18 @ 4pm
Topic: Collaboration to Provide Access and Promote Equity in Study Abroad
Description: Critical to Miami Dade College’s success in providing greater access and promoting equity in study abroad has been our partnership with Educate Tomorrow, a Miami-based nonprofit. That collaboration has enabled the college to offer study abroad opportunities to students that have either been homeless or phased out of the foster care system. MDC’s record in integrating these marginalized students into their programs was a major factor in MDC receiving the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award in 2021. Join us in this workshop as MDC representatives present this innovative case on collaborating to extend study abroad opportunities to the most underrepresented students.
Gabriela Esteves (Miami Dade College)
Wendy Joseph (Educate Tomorrow at Miami Dade College)